We went to Mount Emei. It was the worst experience ever, due to the weather which was around negative six or seven, snow was everywhere. We took a bus up the hill for around an hour, and another bus.. i lost track of time.
Then we had to walk about 2 kilometers of stairs to reach the cable car station. The stairs were all frozen so it was just like a slide made out of dirty ice. We had to rent some metal scrap to tie it underneath our shoes for support. That helped a lot, but it was still as dangerous as hell. Our goal was to reach the peak of the mountain, and i swear it wasn’t worth it at all.
There were just some temples and stuff on the peak. Nothing much.
Love-locks, by couples who believe that their relationship will last forever after locking their own locks together. Hahah
The day before that, we arrived at this place called Huang Long Xi (yellow dragon village?) It was a really interesting place to take pictures of. The temperature was perfect. I think it was around 14 to 16 degrees (thank god). I so happened to snap a few lucky shots! Just like first picture below.
My mum and my brother Wilson.
Eye candy
So amazing. Everything’s handmade.
These were literally sold at every corner, mostly by old ladies
This is my favourite shot. A lady walked pass me with a baby and i held my camera behind me and just randomly focused and clicked my shutter right away, and voila!
By far the smartest way to make cotton candy.
Direct translate all the way
Taofu, in almost every single dish. And it’s my least fav food yuck
So that’s my last post about my China trip. Hope that didn’t bore you out. Gonna start blogging like how i usually do again!
nice places and food, great photography skills, your photos all looks so alive, nice.
All your photos are wonderful,
Hope you'll visit my blog,
I love your blog, so nice :)
Your photos are so amazing, I believe the trip up was definitely worth it. ♥♥
The Cat Hag
all of these photos are amazing! they look so pro! they're all very artistic XD
check out my blog too and follow if ud like :)
The photography is magic! I loved reading through this post..
You poor thing. It's unfortunate when weather turns it's backs on us. At least you can sit cozy now with pretty photographs x
hope to hear from you*
love amy ^.^
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