Friday, April 22

of earthquakes and pandas

This is my third post on the China trip, and i think i have a few more to go!

So we left jiu zhai gou by coach, and put up a night in a town where the 2008 earthquake happened. Then we got back to Chengdu again.

Priceless. It was one dusty place! It was so painful with my contact lenses on. Then we stopped by a beautiful waterfall place. 

Someone please explain to me why there are bubbles on the soil, under the water? And we arrived at a dustier town where the earthquaked happened. It was really sad seeing so many people of all ages working on bridges and such, rebuilding their town

When we arrived back to Chengdu, we watched an epic show and went to see pandas.

A very sad looking panda. Most of the giant pandas were either sleeping or eating, so there wasn’t much to see. Until we saw the younger pandas!They drank tomato juice just like a baby.  The first time i saw red pandas was at the melbourne zoo. They’re so adorableee

Publishing another post tomorrow :)

PS/ just set up a new flag counter a couple of days ago!


Kelly said...

Awesome pictures, beautiful place and scenery and cute pandas! May I know what camera are you using? It's damn clear and the colour are nice and bright :)