Saturday, April 23

trop tard

We went to Mount Emei. It was the worst experience ever, due to the weather which was around negative six or seven, snow was everywhere. We took a bus up the hill for around an hour, and another bus.. i lost track of time.

Then we had to walk about 2 kilometers of stairs to reach the cable car station. The stairs were all frozen so it was just like a slide made out of dirty ice. We had to rent some metal scrap to tie it underneath our shoes for support. That helped a lot, but it was still as dangerous as hell. Our goal was to reach the peak of the mountain, and i swear it wasn’t worth it at all.

There were just some temples and stuff on the peak. Nothing much.   Love-locks, by couples who believe that their relationship will last forever after locking their own locks together. Hahah

The day before that, we arrived at this place called Huang Long Xi (yellow dragon village?) It was a really interesting place to take pictures of. The temperature was perfect. I think it was around 14 to 16 degrees (thank god). I so happened to snap a few lucky shots! Just like first picture below.

My mum and my brother Wilson. Eye candy So amazing. Everything’s handmade. These were literally sold at every corner, mostly by old ladies This is my favourite shot. A lady walked pass me with a baby and i held my camera behind me and just randomly focused and clicked my shutter right away, and voila! By far the smartest way to make cotton candy. Direct translate all the way Taofu, in almost every single dish. And it’s my least fav food yuck

So that’s my last post about my China trip. Hope that didn’t bore you out. Gonna start blogging like how i usually do again!

Friday, April 22

of earthquakes and pandas

This is my third post on the China trip, and i think i have a few more to go!

So we left jiu zhai gou by coach, and put up a night in a town where the 2008 earthquake happened. Then we got back to Chengdu again.

Priceless. It was one dusty place! It was so painful with my contact lenses on. Then we stopped by a beautiful waterfall place. 

Someone please explain to me why there are bubbles on the soil, under the water? And we arrived at a dustier town where the earthquaked happened. It was really sad seeing so many people of all ages working on bridges and such, rebuilding their town

When we arrived back to Chengdu, we watched an epic show and went to see pandas.

A very sad looking panda. Most of the giant pandas were either sleeping or eating, so there wasn’t much to see. Until we saw the younger pandas!They drank tomato juice just like a baby.  The first time i saw red pandas was at the melbourne zoo. They’re so adorableee

Publishing another post tomorrow :)

PS/ just set up a new flag counter a couple of days ago!