Sunday, March 14

salt and vinegar

The exams are finally over. It’s a one-week holiday break now and a few weeks after that it’ll be the mid-terms exams. Our homeroom teacher actually reminded us that now first-terms are over, mid-terms are coming real soon. It’s sickening. (i shall not remind you how many days, though)

I know I have not been blogging a lot lately, mainly because I’m lazy and of the exams last week. My apologies. It’s really rare for me to actually blog, you know, typing. Because normally I’ll just post up lots of pictures. Well, somehow, today I just feel like it.

Just so you know, things have been going bad. Had a sleepover yesterday at Jean’s place and it cheered me up, a lot. We swam, took pictures, a lot of pictures, watched movies, ate junk, shared the problems we’re facing, ate tutti frutti, skyped with cempakans, walked to bsc just to buy fries and did all sorts of cuckoo stuff. Enjoyed ourselves big time.

Photo on 2010-03-14 at 15.39 #3 Photo on 2010-03-14 at 15.41 Photo on 2010-03-14 at 15.48 #2

I’ve learnt to not make assumptions so soon, and to let go those who are hurting you. Because, they couldn’t face the problems and instead of working things out the proper way, they run away and leave you getting hurt.